Girlfriend Broke Up With Boyfriend And Now He Is Sad Friday Night Funkin And Yung Lixo
Girlfriend Broke Up With Boyfriend And Now He Is Sad Friday Night Funkin And Yung Lixo -
Mickey was always busy with work. Minnie taking notice, decides to ask Mickey about it, upon asking him, Mickey lashes out and screams at Minnie and eventually escalates to Mickey slapping Minnie and a heartbroken Minnie runs away. Mickey, Filled with regret, tries to apologize, but can't find Minnie. Mickey stayed up all night until he became exhausted. meanwhile, disgusted with mickeys actions, Minnie makes a deal with the Devil to curse Mickey's soul. when Mickey woke up from his nap, he was quick to notice that the house was abnormally silent. running outside, he realizes there is only an empty street and a depressing gray sky. He walks far down the street but it appears to be looping, growing more hopeless as time passed, and despite his efforts, he couldn't escape. For 3 months he's in this loop, The isolation has begun to decrease his sanity, he couldn't handle the loneliness anymore. until out of nowhere, a blue-haired boy showed up, requesting to sing with him, confused, Mickey agrees. 59ce067264